Topic 10 Material Review

14, Januari 2016

Catatan :

– stdio = standart input output

– FILE -> harus huruf besar semua

Contoh cara membuka file :

– Membuka File menggunakan fopen ():

– FILE *fopen (const char *filename, const char *mode);
– FILE *file = fopen(“data.txt”,”r”);

Keterangan :

r membuka file untuk dibaca/read

contoh mode :
“r” membuka file untuk dibaca.
“w” membuat file untuk ditulis.
“A” membuka file untuk data append.
“r+” membuka file untuk membaca / menulis.
“w+” membuat file untuk membaca / menulis.
“a+” membuka file untuk membaca / tambahkan
“rb” membuka File (binary) untuk dibaca.
“wb” membuat file (binary) untuk menulis.
(kalau buat game savenya sebaiknnya pake binary yaitu “rb” atau “wb” karena tidak bisa dibuka dengan notepad biasa)

– Close File
int fclose (FILE *stream);
– fclose () didefinisikan di
– fclose () akan mengembalikan 0 jika berhasil, dan EOF jika error
– EOF (End Of File) sama dengan -1 (EOF itu dibuat otomatis)
– fclose () akan masuk ke buffer area dulu dan segera mengirimkan data yang tersisa untuk file.
– !feof(file) -> membaca sampai akhir file
– boleh juga pake !=EOF

kalo mau mengubah fungsi char ..

atoi = ascii to int

itoa = int to ascii

jangan lupa fclose(file)

strcat -> menggabung string

fflush – > hapus buffer

strcmp -> membandingkan 2 string

strcmpi -> tidak membedakan huruf besar dan kecil

Contoh Coding(toko baju):
by skyconnectiva


struct Baju{
char kodeBaju[7];
char namaBaju[100];
int qty;
int hargaSatuan;

int initProgram(Baju baju[]){
FILE *file = fopen(“data.txt”, “r”);
int index = 0;
char tempHarga[100], tempQty[100];
while (!feof(file)){
fscanf(file, “%[^;];%[^;];%[^;];%[^\n]\n”, baju[index].kodeBaju, baju[index].namaBaju, tempQty, tempHarga);
baju[index].qty = atoi(tempQty);
baju[index].hargaSatuan = atoi(tempHarga);
return index;

void generateTable(Baju baju[], int totalItem){
printf(“%-4s%-12s%-20s%-5s%-15s\n”, “No.”, “Code”, “Name”, “Qty”, “Price”);
for (int i = 0; i < totalItem; i++)
printf(“%-4d%-12s%-20s%-5d%-15d\n”, (i + 1), baju[i].kodeBaju, baju[i].namaBaju, baju[i].qty, baju[i].hargaSatuan);
if(totalItem == 0) printf(“There is no data!”);

char *generateCode(Baju baju[], int totalItem){
static char kode[10], kodeReturn[10];
int count;
strcpy(kode, baju[totalItem – 1].kodeBaju);
kode[0] = ‘0’; kode[1] = ‘0’;
count = atoi(kode) + 1;
if (count < 10) strcpy(kodeReturn, “JF00”);
else if (count < 100) strcpy(kodeReturn, “JF0”);
else if (count < 1000) strcpy(kodeReturn, “JF”);
itoa(count, kode, 10);
strcat(kodeReturn, kode);
return kodeReturn;

int checkCode(char key[], Baju baju[], int totalItem){
int left = 0, right = totalItem – 1, mid;
mid = (left + right) / 2;
if (strcmp(baju[mid].kodeBaju, key) == 0) return mid;
else if (strcmp(baju[mid].kodeBaju, key) == -1) left = mid + 1;
else right = mid – 1;
} while (left<=right);
return -1;

void sort(Baju baju[], int left, int right, char by[], char option[]){
int i = left, j = right;
int pivotInt;
char pivotChar[100];
Baju tempBaju;
if (strcmp(by, “code”) == 0)strcpy(pivotChar, baju[(left + right) / 2].kodeBaju);
else if (strcmp(by, “name”) == 0)strcpy(pivotChar, baju[(left + right) / 2].namaBaju);
else if (strcmp(by, “qty”) == 0)pivotInt = baju[(left + right) / 2].qty;
else if (strcmp(by, “price”) == 0)pivotInt = baju[(left + right) / 2].hargaSatuan;
while (i <= j){
if (strcmp(by, “code”) == 0) { while (strcmp(baju[i].kodeBaju, pivotChar) 0) j–; }
else if (strcmp(by, “name”) == 0) { while (strcmp(baju[i].namaBaju, pivotChar) 0) j–; }
else if (strcmp(by, “qty”) == 0) { while (baju[i].qty pivotInt) j–; }
else if (strcmp(by, “price”) == 0) { while (baju[i].hargaSatuan pivotInt) j–; }
if (i <= j){
tempBaju = baju[i];
baju[i] = baju[j];
baju[j] = tempBaju;
i++; j–;
if (left < j) sort(baju, left, j, by, option);
if (i < right) sort(baju, i, right, by, option);

void saveData(Baju baju[], int totalItem){
FILE *file = fopen(“data.txt”, “w”);
for (int i = 0; i < totalItem; i++)
fprintf(file, “%s;%s;%d;%d\n”, baju[i].kodeBaju, baju[i].namaBaju, baju[i].qty, baju[i].hargaSatuan);

int main(){
Baju baju[100];
int totalItem = initProgram(baju);
int choose, avail;
char tempCode[10], tempBy[10], tempSrt[10];
printf(“\t\t\tJackForce Store\n\n”);
generateTable(baju, totalItem);
printf(“1. Add Item\n”);
printf(“2. Remove Item\n”);
printf(“3. Sort Item\n”);
printf(“4. Exit\n”);
printf(“\nInput menu : “);
scanf(“%d”, &choose); fflush(stdin);
switch (choose){
case 1:
sort(baju, 0, (totalItem-1), “code”, “asc”);
printf(“Input your item’s name [3..20] : “);
} while (strlen(baju[totalItem].namaBaju)20);
printf(“Input your item’s qty [1..1000] : “);
scanf(“%d”, &baju[totalItem].qty); fflush(stdin);
} while (baju[totalItem].qty1000);
printf(“Input your item’s price [10000..1000000] : “);
scanf(“%d”, &baju[totalItem].hargaSatuan); fflush(stdin);
} while (baju[totalItem].hargaSatuan1000000);
strcpy(baju[totalItem].kodeBaju, generateCode(baju, totalItem));
printf(“Success insert the new item!”);
case 2:
avail = -99;
printf(“Input your item’s code [input ‘cancel’ to cancel] : “);
scanf(“%s”, tempCode); fflush(stdin);
if (strcmp(tempCode, “cancel”) != 0 && (avail = checkCode(tempCode, baju, totalItem)) == -1){
printf(“Can’t find the item that you mean.. Please check again the code.\n”);
} while (strcmp(tempCode, “cancel”) != 0 && avail == -1);
if (avail != -99){
for (int i = avail + 1; i >= 1 && i < totalItem; i++){
baju[i-1] = baju[i];
totalItem -= 1;
printf(“Success delete an item!”);
case 3:
printf(“Sort by [code/name/qty/price] : “);
scanf(“%s”, tempBy);
} while (strcmp(tempBy, “code”) != 0 && strcmp(tempBy, “name”) != 0 && strcmp(tempBy, “qty”) != 0
&& strcmp(tempBy, “price”) != 0);
sort(baju, 0, (totalItem-1), tempBy, “asc”);
printf(“The data has been sorted!”);
} while (choose != 4);
saveData(baju, totalItem);
printf(“Exit from the System.. Press Any Key to Continue…”);
return 0;

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